Apply Today! Are you available Part Time or Full time to work on site? If you are not able to be on site, are you open to Remote Work? Do you have experience with providing Bereavement Care (Grief Support, Crisis Counseling, Anticipated Grief)? If not, are you willing learn? Do you have experience providing Funeral Services? If not, are you willing learn? Are you trained in providing Stress-reduction strategies and coaching team-building workshops? If not, are you willing learn? Do you have experience with engaging in intercessory prayer for employees or families? If not, are you willing learn? Are you experienced in providing emotional and spiritual support? If not, are you willing learn? Do you hold Christian values? Do have experience with providing coaching, baptism, and marriage services? If not, are you willing to learn? Do you have a background in Ethics? If not, are you willing to learn? Do you have experience in CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management)? If not, are you willing learn? Do have interest in becoming a Listening Angel? (This will be explained further during the interview) NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.